out-of-school education, out-of-school education institutions, regional management of out-of-school education development, partnership, interdepartmental cooperation, cluster approachAbstract
This article addresses the issues of managing the development of out-of-school education at both the state and regional levels. The authors point out the state's declarative approach to the problems of out-of-school education, resulting in an accumulation of significant issues that currently hinder the implementation of innovative transformations in this sector. The article highlights that the key issue remains the funding of the sector, which is under the jurisdiction of local councils. The lack of financial resources in local budgets has been a critical problem for the development of out-of-school education throughout the years of independence. A narrow perception of out-of-school education as mere leisure rather than a potential means for a child’s personal development and the acquisition of essential life competencies leads local governments to treat this education as secondary, and encourages local authorities to take unpopular measures, such as so-called institutions network optimization, which involves their closure or reorganization. According to the authors, the COVID-19 pandemic and russian aggression have presented new challenges for out-of-school education institutions. By analysing the management activities of the heads of out-of-school institutions in Zaporizhzhia as they prepared for the new academic year, the authors claim that their experience is noteworthy. It is emphasized that these activities demonstrate the ability to find partners to address problems, including those outside the education sector, and to build effective communication with entities from other departments, parents, and volunteer organizations. The authors note that local authorities limited themselves to the roles of controllers and observers in this process. The main idea of the article is that the further development of out-of-school education requires the joint efforts of both government bodies at all levels and the community–without this collaboration, change is not possible. The article emphasizes the role of regional authorities in forming so-called educational-production clusters. It also highlights the importance of implementing a cluster approach in the operation of out-of-school education institutions, which would help in addressing a number of financial issues.
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