stress resilience, loneliness, spiritual values, spiritual potential, gender differencesAbstract
The article is dedicated to the relationship between stress resilience and loneliness, which are important and relevant issues in modern psychology. In this work, stress resilience is considered as the ability of an individual to adapt to difficult life circumstances, withstand the negative effects of stress factors, and maintain psychological balance during crises. In today's world, where external stressors increasingly impact the quality of life and mental health, this ability becomes particularly significant. Loneliness, on the other hand, is studied not only as a social phenomenon related to physical or emotional isolation but also as an internal, subjective state that directly influences overall well-being, emotional welfare, and psychological stability of the individual. An important component of the work is the examination of spiritual values as one of the primary resources that contribute to increased stress resilience and reduced feelings of loneliness, especially in crisis situations that require quick adaptation and mobilization of internal resources. Spiritual potential includes orientation towards high spiritual values, self-organization, awareness of life purpose, development of self-awareness, and voluntary self-regulation. The empirical part of the work is based on a study involving 50 individuals, which included diagnostics of stress events, spiritual potential, and subjective feelings of loneliness. The methodologies used allowed for a comprehensive assessment of stress resilience and loneliness levels, as well as to identify their relationship with spiritual values. The research data showed that individuals with a high level of spiritual values demonstrate greater stress resilience and lower feelings of loneliness, highlighting the role of spiritual values as a means of psychological protection and a resource for personal development. Furthermore, the results indicate certain gender differences that should be considered when developing psychological support programs. Specifically, it was found that men with a higher level of spiritual development exhibit greater resistance to stress and a lower tendency towards loneliness compared to women. The obtained data serve as a basis for creating practical recommendations aimed at strengthening stress resilience and reducing feelings of loneliness through the development of spiritual values.
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