


anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption advertising, prevention of corruption, public advertising activity, public administration, advertising strategies


The article presents the theoretical and methodological aspects of forming strategies and programs of public advertising activities in the system of national anti-corruption policy. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the conceptual approaches to public advertising as a tool for ensuring socially important goals, in particular, combating corruption. The current state of scientific research in the field of anti-corruption policy is characterized, and on this basis the concepts of “public advertising activity” and “anti-corruption advertising” are distinguished. The methodology for analyzing the mechanisms of advertising in the public administration system is improved, and the methodological support for advertising strategies based on the principles of response, responsibility and reliability as a factor in rationalizing anti-corruption policy is substantiated. The author proposes the concept of a multi-level integrated advertising management system, which is based on management risks and takes into account the public-private dichotomy of public relations in the field of corruption prevention. The article defines the purpose of anti-corruption public advertising activity as ensuring effective communication between public authorities and the public by creating, disseminating and managing information messages about anti-corruption government programs, public initiatives and social projects aimed at raising awareness, attracting and enhancing the participation of citizens in social and political life, forming a positive image of public authorities and strengthening trust in public administration institutions. The practical significance of the scientific approaches presented in the article lies in the possibility of their use to improve the system of public administration of advertising activities and strengthen anti-corruption mechanisms. It is proposed to implement the results of the study in the activities of local governments and public organizations in terms of developing recommendations for improving the efficiency of public management of advertising activities, ensuring the ethics of advertising, protecting the rights of citizens as consumers of advertising products and promoting public welfare.


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