public administration, energy policy, energy security, energy efficiency and energy saving, legal regime of martial law, post-war reconstruction, sustainable development, energy strategyAbstract
The problems, achievements, challenges, opportunities and threats to the formation and implementation of Ukraine's modern energy policy are investigated. It is shown that one of its priority directions in the context of sustainable development of the state is to ensure energy efficiency and energy saving, in particular at the regional level. The relevance of this issue has increased significantly in the last three years, due to the consequences of the Russian military operations on the territory of our country, which are associated with the destruction of critical infrastructure, which includes the energy supply infrastructure (including heat supply). The author shows that over the years, Ukraine has repeatedly proclaimed a course towards energy efficiency and energy saving, developed regular energy strategies, declared relevant reforms, etc. However, the domestic energy sector still remains in a very difficult situation - no real positive results have been achieved, and the war has also significantly aggravated the situation. The author analyses the main provisions of key policy documents in this area, namely the latest energy strategies developed for different periods (until 2030, 2035, 2050). It is concluded that the approach when the previous strategy has not yet been fully implemented and the next one is already being prepared for approval is irrational. This indicates a failure of strategic planning rather than a successful implementation of the long-term energy policy. To ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the latter, it is proposed to use the tools of medium-term (5-7 years) strategic planning, rather than long-term (25-30 years). This necessitates the development of the State Energy Policy of Ukraine as a separate regulatory document and will make it possible to achieve the goals and priorities set by the energy policy through the consistent implementation of three to four medium-term strategies, the progress of which is much easier to monitor and, if necessary, adjust, thereby ensuring the achievement of the planned results and the success of strategic management in the industry as a whole.
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