


public administration, public safety, social protection, public (administrative) services, critical infrastructure, Ukraine, Germany, public authorities.


The article provides an analysis of the current state of public administration functioning as a critical infrastructure in Ukraine and Germany. It was found that these countries apply similar approaches to defining the concept and sectors of critical infrastructure in general. It was emphasized that the public administration sector, which involves the provision of public (administrative) services, is of primary importance among the sectors of critical infrastructure, because it is designed to ensure "security for society" and "security from its side". Taking into account modern conditions, it is proposed to classify administrative (public) services into basic (everyday) and auxiliary ones, which are aimed at providing assistance in the conditions of the emergence of new needs of citizens. It is justified to also typologize public (administrative) services depending on the sphere of public life (social protection, culture, health care, education, mass media, law and order, etc.). The principles of clustering of critical infrastructure objects, as well as the levels of its protection (central, regional, local and object) were analyzed. Annihilation links between the functioning of critical infrastructure sectors, the provision of public services in Ukraine and the undeclared war of the Russian Federation have been established. The actions of the aggressor state are aimed at the destruction of energy, social, transport and other critical infrastructure facilities, as well as at stimulating an increase in social apathy, chaos, discontent, etc. It has been proven that timely, high-quality provision of public services on domestic territory can prevent such destructive influence. Prospective directions for the further development of public administration as a critical infrastructure in Ukraine have been identified, which can also be used in Germany, given the latter state's lack of experience in responding to the rapid increase in new needs of citizens due to armed aggression.


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