public administration, environment, protection of nature, rational use of natural resources, natural resources, geological heritage, geological monuments, protection, use and preservation, popularization, war, martial law, post-war reconstruction.Abstract
The article presents the results of a study on the theoretical-conceptual and legal foundations of public governance in the field of geological heritage protection. It demonstrates that geological heritage is a crucial component of the environment, with significant importance for the development of the entire natural system. It directly impacts the country's economic development, ecological status, and reputational standing. Therefore, the preservation and rational use of geological objects and the nation's geological heritage should be among the key tasks of public administration bodies, both during peacetime and under the legal regime of martial law. The article highlights that there are currently around 600 geological heritage sites in Ukraine of scientific value, yet more than half of them lack official status or are located within protected areas but have not been designated as separate objects within the nature reserve fund. Various approaches to classifying geological heritage objects are characterized. The study also addresses the challenges of protecting geological heritage under martial law and emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues for society. The article analyzes the conceptual and categorical framework in the field of geological heritage protection and provides the author's definitions of the terms "geological heritage" and "geological natural monuments." It concludes that certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine" should be improved by introducing amendments to ensure more effective control over compliance with the protective regime of territories and objects within the nature reserve fund, including geological heritage sites. The development of a monitoring system to track the status of geological objects is crucial for timely response to any violations in the protection and exploitation of these sites. Additionally, involving the public in decision-making processes in this field will contribute to more effective preservation and utilization of geological heritage objects. Furthermore, the creation of educational and informational programs about geological heritage sites is essential for raising public awareness of the importance of their conservation.
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