psychological service, psychological support, educational institutions, psychological cultureAbstract
The article considers the directions of development of psychological services in educational institutions in Ukraine. The normative-legal bases of creation, functioning and development of psychological service in the system of education are considered. It is emphasized that the present provides for the reset of Ukrainian education with the update of the existing algorithm of professional activity and revision of the methodology of work with students, parents, teachers; changing the emphasis and priorities from the process to the result using effective methods of practical psychology and social pedagogy / work. It is the psychological service that is designed to teach how to live in harmony with oneself and with others, and how to enter into relationships with the world so that life brings pleasure. Therefore, the primary task of employees of the psychological service is to find effective means and methods of preventive, corrective, educational and developmental work. In this regard, the role and importance of professional activities of psychological workers in the education system (practical psychologists, social educators and methodologists) is significantly increasing. Analysis and evaluation of existing organizational models of psychological services in higher education institutions of Ukraine, in particular, on the example of Dnipro, allow to state the presence of positive experience, highlight existing problems and identify prospects for further development. It is shown that the psychological service of free education is an integrated system that should combine the main structural components: psychological diagnosis (individual and group), counseling, psychological prevention, promotion of psychological knowledge, socio-psychological adaptation of students in educational and professional activities, raising the level of their spiritual development and psychological culture, training sessions, seminars, conferences, etc. The author supports the opinion that the purpose of the psychological service in the Free Economic Zone is: psychological assistance to the applicant at higher stages of his professional development, psychological support in resolving normative and non-normative crises; psychoprophylaxis of chemical, game, virtual addictions; psychological assistance to the teaching staff and psychological support of the creative activity of the scientist, activation of the scientific potential; providing practical skills of future professional activity to students-psychologists through their active involvement in cooperation with specialists and teachers who are part of the psychological service of the Free Economic Zone. The author focuses on helping teachers work with students with special needs and the staff of the psychological service. The study allowed to determine the stages of institutionalization and prospects for the development of the psychological service of educational institutions, in particular the free economic education of Ukraine in the current conditions of their reform; to emphasize the need to develop the psychological service of free education as a tool for qualitative changes in the system of higher education, increasing its student-centeredness.
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