


system of public administration, informational and psychological impact, resilience, managerial personnel, sustainable development


The article reflects the issue of the resilience, the phenomenon which draws attention by leading countries once russia fullscale invasion of Ukraine had begun. This one, alongside with increased destructive informational and psychological impact on public area. Protracted aggressive war, with its intensive hybrid component, continues to strain political system, and weaken its resilience posture. The factors above underline, how to ensure sustainable development in every aspects of public life, make them resilient and competitive. Some current policies by the European Institutions in enhancing conceptual approaches, adoption new strategies are commented in the paper. For example, by Germany in updating the country’s national strategic programmes to ensure sustainable development and resilience in secure, industrial and public sectors as equal and relevant components. Achieving the purpose of the paper − to study the place and role of resilience the managerial personnel of public authorities in ensuring sustainable development of public administration system, owes to the interdisciplinary approach. The importance of developing and maintaining the resilience in the system of public administration in a context of personality traits the managerial personnel, is underlined. The main hypothesis, that the resilience of public managerial personnel is sufficient, and, and, at the same time, inevitable preposition to ensure sustainable of this system. The scientific novelty of the article lies, that on the example of applying the systematic approach, and the methodology of public administration, and the systematic methodology, with including other scientific methods, the phenomenon resilience is treated as the system-forming factor of the system of public administration. This means, that through resilience of its managerial personnel, sustainable development of the system of public administration is ensured as well. The paper’s results indicate, State policy on practice must contribute to strategies on defeating the threats of informational and psychological impact on public area, introduce special training programs targeted on the managerial personnel.


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