


public administration system, institutional environment, capacity of the state, institutional capacity, institutional capacity, institutional space, institutional Darwinism, institutional reforms, sustainable development


The scientific-theoretical principles regarding the formation of the capacity of the public administration system from the perspective of the space (extent) of its functioning, covering social, economic, political, informational, resource and other aspects, have been studied. It is insisted that its foundations are social, legal and other institutions, which must be taken into account by public institutions (public authorities). In this context, emphasis is placed on the importance of ensuring effective and efficient activity of the mentioned institutions. It was found that there is a different translation of the concepts "institutional" and "institutional" (from English to Ukrainian). This makes it impossible to provide a single definition of the terms "institutional capacity" or "institutional capacity". It is argued that during the characterization of both term constructions, first of all, one should take into account the different essential content of the concepts "institute" and "institution". And secondly, consider them from the position of mutual influence, since the term "institute" refers primarily to the emergence, development and termination of social, legal and other institutions. Determining the meaning of the term "institution", it is worth considering the peculiarities of the state and non-state sector activities, which in turn ensure the legitimation of the above-mentioned legal institutions. The peculiarities of the modern functioning of the public administration system of the public administration system in Ukraine are analyzed, as well as the prospects of the institutional development of such a system are outlined through the prism of its ability to respond to external and internal determinants. On this basis, the importance of the formation of the security system within the appropriate institutional environment is recognized. It is justified that it includes two blocks of elements. The first block of elements is institutional, covering legal norms that form a system of legislation on sustainable development and security. As for the second block of elements – institutional, it constitutes a subsystem of the management system, the organizational structure of which includes public authorities. Taking into account the position of the theory of institutionalism, it is recommended to practically consolidate the principles of institutionalization of the public administration system of Ukraine, which is possible, in particular, within the framework of the concept of "proactive" functioning of such a system.


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