


identity of the criminal, criminological analysis, psychological characteristics, behavior patterns, profiling, criminal behavior


The article is devoted to the study of data on the identity of the criminal as an element of moral-psychological and criminallegal characteristics. This article examines the concepts of "the subject of a criminal offense" and "the personality of a criminal" from different scientific approaches, and defines the general and specific characteristics of the criminal's personality that affect his social danger and role in the judicial process. The authors attempt to determine the main features of a criminal who commits a criminal offense from the perspective of criminology and psychology. This approach provides the possibility of a comprehensive approach in determining the main characteristics of such a person. The article analyzes the method of profiling, which allows identifying criminals and analyzing their criminal intentions, in particular by means of psychological analysis and visual observation. The importance of taking into account the psychological characteristics of the criminal in the context of determining criminal liability and preventing criminal offenses is emphasized. It was determined that the investigation of the identity of the criminal is a relevant and necessary aspect in terms of preventing and countering crime and in understanding the reasons and motivations that underlie criminal actions. The article analyzes the concept of the person of a criminal from the moral and psychological aspect, which includes the analysis of moral and psychological factors that affect his behavior and actions. This approach aims to reveal the inner motives and ethical aspects behind the criminal offense, namely moral values and ethical beliefs, motivation, psychological state, moral development and education. In addition, the article analyzes the concept of the person of the criminal from the criminal-legal aspect, which is an important component of the judicial process and the criminal-legal system and includes the analysis of offenses, the circumstances of their commission, the determination of guilt and the establishment of a possible punishment, consideration of the possibilities of rehabilitation and trial. The investigation of the identity of the criminal from a criminal legal point of view is carried out in accordance with the procedures and means of proof established by law in order to ensure a fair and objective judicial process, as a result of which important decisions are made regarding the responsibility and punishment of the person who committed the criminal offense.


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