state management methodology, paradigms, state management of regional development, regionalization, global managementAbstract
The article examines the evolution of paradigms of state management of regional development. The author concludes that the concept of "poles of growth" in its various variants has become the basis of the regional policy of the countries of Western Europe. The purpose of creating such "poles" was to activate the economic activity of backward and peripheral regions. The limits of the initiation of the theory of regional development and its conceptual contours are determined. Proponents of the theory of "new regionalism" believe that regional development should be based primarily on internal potential - the local economy and the advantages of cross-sectoral production with the transfer of a significant part of power to regional bodies. The phenomenon of "new regionalism" is complex and multidimensional. It takes different forms under the influence of globalization and economic liberalization. In addition, a significant factor influencing the development of the ideas of "new regionalism" is the political forces within the regions themselves. The fact is that each national political force in power has its own vision of what factors mainly cause regional disparities within the state. In the conditions of the involvement of most modern countries in global processes, the political forces of certain states may be more inclined to endogenous or exogenous factors influencing regional differences and, based on this, choose certain political actions. It is justified that currently it is very relevant to strengthen the concept of self-development of regions, which, in our opinion, most corresponds to the trends and challenges faced by modern developed states. At its core is the development of regions, which takes place taking into account their characteristics and interests while transferring responsibility for this process to local authorities. Modern trends of regional self-development lead to a significant change in the form and content of the political space. The implementation of the idea of "new regionalism" leads to cooperation not so much with the state as a whole, but with individual regions that acquire new features of subjects in pan-European processes and receive the right to independent actions. According to the author, the modern regional policy of Ukraine is largely based on the paradigm of "regional self-development".
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