


action, deed, moral action, moral activity, personality, classification


The article is devoted to the problem of research psychological peculiarities of the act, acting morally, a short review of scientific researches of the mentioned phenomenon was conducted. Since modern approaches to understanding the act are characterized by the terminology differences, the article presents the views of scientists in different branches, in particular, ethics and psychology, concerning the definition of the concept itself and its peculiarities. The act is considered as a unique specific type of mental and revolve action, necessary component of life activity, manifestation of its behavior and character. A considerable attention on the content of article is given to the clarification of the content of concept “acting morally”, its significance and understanding in a broad and narrower sense is described. The direct link between the moral activity of the individual and the moral actions is illustrated. The psychological nature, essence and characteristic features of moral actions are described, their ontological and ulcological depth, a key place in the life of the individual. Various classifications of moral actions are given. The essence of moral action is analyzed, in particular, special attention is paid to its motivation basis. The motive of the act is seen as a certain strength, what is contained in the layers of self-consciousness at the level of feelings, beliefs, needs, interests, goals. The motives give the activity a personal subjective sense, and not just encourage it. One of the essence aspects of moral action – its assessment – is also analyzed. Two points of view on the evaluation of the action are considered and described: position of pragmatism and position of the theory of good will ot theory of moral kindness. It is pointed out that from the position of ethical konsectsialism is valuable only the act, which has positive practical consequences, and from the position of the theory of moral kindness of the act, which are based on moral motives deserve approval, even if they have no result. The stage of realization of moral action is described.


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