professionally important qualities, employee efficiency, efficiency of the company, personal qualities, manager, assessment and certification of staff, organizationAbstract
Domestic and foreign practical experience shows that the successful operation and competitiveness of enterprises is determined not only by the amount of material and financial resources available to them, but also, to a decisive extent, the human resources of these enterprises. High efficiency of enterprises is determined by the high level of human resources development, associated with a set of professional knowledge, skills, abilities, and motives, as well as personal qualities. Employee efficiency is understood as a complex interconnected system of labor productivity, measured by numerical indicators of profit, income, level of participation in work, etc., and satisfaction as a psychological and motivational determinant of activity. The personality of the manager plays an important role in the management and operation of the organization. New economic conditions require managers of the future to be creative, well-informed, and innovation-sensitive, able to make the best use of resources and ensure the efficiency of the firm using entrepreneurial thinking, in addition to the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them. A successful manager always achieves his goals. This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of personal qualities of managers in terms of their impact on the efficiency of the company. The essence of professionally important qualities of managers is revealed, the author's interpretation of understanding of efficiency of work is offered, conditions of successful professional activity of the manager depending on formation of his psychological qualities are defined. Analysis of the results of the study showed that the most significant among these qualities are sociability, high intelligence, emotional stability, and dominance, as well as low anxiety and normativeness. It was found that a successful solution to the problem of professional functioning is impossible without the development of these qualities.
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