FEATURES OF THE SELF-DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM AS A COMPONENT OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CAREER OF EDUCATION MANAGERS (on the example of the State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky”)





management career of an education manager, self-development planning, self-development strategy of education managers, self-development motivation


The work is devoted to the study of the self-development system as a component of the management career of education managers on the example of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky. The increase in requirements for managerial personnel is shown in connection with such features of modern management as instability, unpredictability and increasing complexity in the educational sector due to constant and multi-level reforms. It is noted that selfdevelopment should become a daily practice and a component of the management career of an education manager. Scientific approaches to identifying the essence of the basic concepts of the self-development of an education manager, which is defined as a conscious self-cognitive and self-projecting activity aimed at improving one’s personality in accordance with the requirements of the profession in the educational environment of an educational institution, and self-realization as an individual in the social sphere of activity that determines profession It is noted that the self-development of an education manager is a conscious activity aimed at improving one’s personality in accordance with the requirements of the profession, and, therefore, is aimed at improving the quality of managerial activity. The main characteristics of the conceptual components of the self-development of an education manager are analyzed, including: self-education, self-knowledge, self-education, self-determination and selfrealization. All of them are mutually determined and always appear in interaction as a complex of driving forces of personality development. By influencing one of them, we can deepen the results in others, but the highest form of their mutual influence is self-realization. The results of the empirical study led to the conclusion that the complex of organizational and pedagogical working conditions existing in the University has both positive and negative effects on the self-development of personnel, in particular, education managers. Among the resources we can include a powerful personnel potential with significant scientific and professional assets and deep practical experience, understanding of the importance of self-development in professional activity and readiness for changes, initiative of employees. Among the issues that cause the greatest concern are the issues of material and technical support, creating conditions for self-development, improving interaction and improving qualifications, which indicates the area of development of the University.


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