public administration, unified state system of civil protection, emergency situation, organizational and functional structures, civil protection, public administration bodiesAbstract
The article presents a methodological approach to assessing of organizational and functional structures of public administration bodies in civil protection. Analysis of the legislation in the field of public administration in general and civil protection – in particular conducted by the author. Previous scientific works analyzes in article. Scientific task`s relevance of finding a methodological approach to assessing of organizational and functional structures of public administration in civil protection is justified. The article describes the methodological approach to assessing the organizational and functional structures of civil protection based on the analysis of the structure and functions of the unified state system of civil protection. Methodological approach involves separating system’s components from a more general level of management to the lower and establishing the features of their operation, the division into subsystems according to the levels of hierarchy and relationships between components. When studying the relationships between the levels of organizational and functional structures, subsystems and bodies defines their properties, order and nature of relationships, volumes, content of information flows, which provides a description of the structures under study. Presents this approach the scheme of implementation certain steps to assess the organizational and functional structures of a unified state system of civil protection at structural, functional, organizational and regulatory levels. An evaluation the assessing procedures involves: determining a set of indicators and criteria that should meet the purpose of the study of organizational and functional structures of unified state system of civil protection and its components, studying their characteristics at the system-wide, system and elemental levels. Is substantiated for the development of structural and predictive model`s forms, assessing of their parameters at present, the expediency of using software products, tool and software complexes and integrated software environments focused on solving problems of analysis and synthesis of complex systems operating in conditions uncertainty and conflict.
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