


conflict, aggression, adolescence, behavior, conflict situation


The article presents the solution of the current scientific problem of the manifestation of conflict behavior in adolescents. Scientific and applied approaches to studying the essence of the concept of conflict are analyzed, the object, the subject of the conflict, the concept of “conflict situation”, the stages of the conflict are defined. The article also considers the manifestations of aggressive behavior of adolescents as a consequence of a conflict situation, identifies types of aggression. It is noted that the most aggressive are 12–15-year-old adolescents – boys, who are dominated by physical aggression, which fades with age, and girls with age there is an increase in this form of aggression. By the age of 15–18, boys have a surge of verbal aggression. With a decline in indirect aggression in boys, there is a significant increase in girls. Negativism is significantly shown by boys of all ages. The conflict in the system “teacher-student”, “student-student” is considered, which reflects the main causes of such conflicts. Particular attention is paid to the specifics of conflicts in school life. In school life there are simple conflicts (resolved by the teacher – a quarrel between students, a fight, etc.) and complex conflicts (conflicts of activity, conflicts of behavior, actions; conflicts of relationships; motivational conflicts; conflicts related to the transition to another age. group; conflicts of interaction; conflicts related to the introduction of innovative technologies in the teaching and education of students). The presence of aggression and conflict in adolescents is the specificity of this age period. These phenomena are subject to correction, so it is very important psychological and pedagogical support, the climate in the family, relationships with peers and teachers. In this regard, there is a need for further study of this problem and further development of individual and group measures to reduce conflict and aggression in adolescence.


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