


land resources, land decentralization, public administration of community land resources, composition of community land resources


The article conducts a scientific interdisciplinary analysis (law, economics, geodesy, ecology, public administration) of the concept of “land resources” as an object of management. The relevance of the study of the land resources nature in the context of expanding the powers of local governments and the transfer of agricultural land outside the settlements to communal ownership has been proved. The peculiarities of territorial community land resources as the basis for the development of the local economy, filling the budget, increasing the level of investment attractiveness, conducting economic activity have been outlined. The author’s approaches to systematization of the composition of territorial community land resources on the basis of determining the legal status and form of land ownership: narrow and wide have been suggested. Applying a broad (territorial) approach, it has been proposed to include all lands, regardless of ownership (communal, state, private), located within the territory of the community under the jurisdiction of local governments to the territorial community land resources. When applying a narrow (actual) approach to the territorial community lands, it has been proposed to include only a set of communal land plots with a certain legal status, according to which local governments make decisions within the powers granted to them. There has been formulated author’s unified definition of the concept of “management of territorial community land resources” as a set of active subject’s actions aimed at the object, which should have organized nature and aimed at achieving a certain goal: rational land use, quality land management and land inventory, attracting investments and monitoring land tax payments, conducting a competent environmental policy within the community. The directions of further explorations have been outlined, which include the method of determining the boundaries of the territorial community with the definition of boundaries on the ground and their inclusion in the state geocadastre, as well as a study of the composition of the subjects of public administration of territorial community land resources as elements of the system.


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