


administrative and legal means, gender equality, LGBT , provision, directions, human rights, humancenteredness, sexual orientation, gender identity, discrimination


The article is devoted to the study of the concept and essence of administrative and legal means of ensuring the rights of LGBT+ persons in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the main duty of Ukraine is to ensure the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of all members of society without exception. Also, law itself should be the instrument of realization of such a duty. The author points out the contradictory approaches to the understanding of legal means in the national legal theory. The author proposes to understand the means of administrative and legal support for the rights of LGBT+ persons in Ukraine as a set of regulatory, institutional and procedural instruments used by public administration entities to protect, realize and restore violated rights of representatives of LGBT+ communities. The author emphasizes that administrative and legal support tools lose their effectiveness due to imperfections, limitations or complete absence of certain rules and regulations related to the protection of the rights of LGBT+ persons. As a result of the lack of legal regulation, the functions of public authorities are taken over by civil society institutions (public associations, human rights groups, etc.). The areas of implementation of administrative and legal support for the rights of LGBT+ persons in Ukraine are as follows: 1) humanistic – guaranteeing Ukraine's full compliance with international human rights standards; 2) social – promoting the priority of the highest social value, rights and freedoms, human life and health; 3) organizational and regulatory – creating and maintaining, through established legal permissions, prohibitions and obligations, appropriate conditions for the effective exercise of rights and freedoms of LGBT+ persons on an equal footing with other citizens, realization of their administrative and legal status; 4) incentive – consolidation of positive legal consequences for improving the conditions for the exercise of their subjective rights; 5) protective – prevention of discrimination on the basis of SOGI, elimination of consequences caused by illegal actions and restoration of violated rights of these persons.


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