


culture; management; management culture; value orientations; motivation; professional competence; the subject; management style; Sergeant, Armed Forces of Ukraine


This paper addresses the issue of the management culture of sergeants as a systemic psychological problem. Scientific sources related to the management culture of leaders are examined, and the author provides an original interpretation of the concept of “management culture of sergeants” as an integrated professional-psychological formation of Ukrainian Armed Forces sergeants. This formation encompasses the value-motivational, conceptual, competency-based components, and the individual style of management activity. The study elucidates the essence of the management culture of sergeants, emphasizing their subjective and practical capabilities and readiness for management activities at specific managerial positions within the military hierarchy – tactical, operational, and strategic levels. The content of the management culture reflects their understanding of the management process in the military-professional environment and perception of its values and goals; the ability to anticipate the results and probable consequences of adopted managerial decisions as subjects of military leadership in military units (divisions); the capability to accurately interpret a managerial situation, identify the most crucial factors in a specific situation, and assess the potential effects of altering one or multiple variables in managerial decision-making and activities; the ability to apply appropriate styles of managerial influence on subordinates, ensuring the achievement of the goals of both their military leadership and the objectives of the entire military unit (division) as a combat team. The universal structure of the management culture of sergeants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was grounded. This structure includes the following elements: values of managerial activities of sergeants as subjects of military leadership and extreme activities, determining their motivation and influencing the meaningful content of all other elements, especially the style of management activity; management concept, basic principles, leading methods, and tools of managerial activity for sergeants in specific positions within the military management system – tactical, operational, and strategic levels; management competency as the foundation of management culture, the integrated manifestation of which is the managerial thinking of a specific sergeant as the mental basis for the actualization of his management culture; style of management activity of a specific sergeant as a subject of military leadership in a specific position within the military management system – tactical, operational, and strategic levels.


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