


representative system, perception, information and communication technologies, experiment, educational process, academic success


The article investigates the influence of the differentiated use of information and communication technologies (ICT) on the academic success of higher education students, based on the dominant representative system. A comprehensive analysis of previous research by Ukrainian and foreign scholars on the use of ICT in education establishes the relevance of further scientific exploration in this area. The study conducts an experiment to assess the impact of differentiated ICT utilization on the academic achievements of firstyear bachelor’s-level students specializing in 172 telecommunications and radio engineering. The research takes place at the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communication. By implementing the BIAS test, the leading representative system of the participating students is identified. Subsequently, the students are divided into control and experimental groups, with the latter group exposed to differentiated use of ICT tools during the “Psychology” course. At the initial stage, an assessment was conducted to gauge the knowledge of higher education students. Subsequently, ICT tools were selected for each group based on their dominant representative system. The following stage, referred to as the formative stage, involved integrating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic ICT tools into the teaching process. A post-intervention assessment was then conducted to measure knowledge retention and the qualitative impact of ICT tool usage. The study empirically demonstrates that the differential use of ICT in education, tailored to students’ perceptual preferences in teaching the discipline of “Psychology”, enhances the learning outcomes of higher education students.


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