


economic culture, money, monetary attitudes, personality, adolescent


Transformation processes in society, military operations on the territory of Ukraine, as well as global socio-political and economic crises have a significant impact on the mental state of individuals and on the economic behaviour of adolescents. This impact requires a scientific study of different types of monetary beliefs among adolescents. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the psychological characteristics of adolescents’ monetary beliefs. It is stated that a significant number of respondents are characterised by the dominance of such monetary attitudes as “Negative emotions towards money”, “Therapeutic function of money” and “Anxiety about moneyv. Individuals with the dominant monetary attribute “Negative emotions towards money” are characterised by a tendency to value traditions, a belief in justice in the world, and a belief that other people have certain responsibilities towards themselves or others in general. Respondents with the dominant monetary attitude “Therapeutic function of money” are characterised by a desire to enjoy life and a focus on achieving success. For adolescent participants with the dominant monetary attribute “Anxiety over money”, a tendency to comfort and catastrophising of various situations is inherent. It has been found that the structure of these scales is dominated by the affective component, which indicates the spontaneity of the process of forming the economic culture of adolescents, the insufficient level of development of the cognitive and conative components, which, as a result, negatively affects the process of economic culture. The study emphasises the need to develop special programmes for adolescents aimed at developing financial literacy and supporting psychological well-being in the face of difficult socio-economic realities.


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