


managerial culture, sergeant, military professional, professional competence, professional activity, managerial competence, military serviceman, culture, organization, leadership


The article defines that the managerial activity of managers requires that they have a special professional education and a special purposeful managerial preparation that is the formation of managerial competence as an integrated component of professional competence. It is emphasized that the military-professional activity of the subject of the military administration ensures his interaction with the personnel and his mobilization for the performance of combat tasks. In this context, a high level of personal responsibility of each subject of the military administration for their own management culture is important, since, firstly, the culture of military-professional activity of all servicemen in a combat team is an integral component of the management of a military unit, and secondly, managerial competence and the culture of each subject of military management significantly affects the behavior of subordinates as subjects of military-professional activity, as well as the entire military unit as a combat team. Professional development in the dimension of cultural predisposition makes it possible to focus on the process of formation of the professional identity of each future commander as a manager, that is, his understanding and internal perception of management values, norms and standards of the military-professional environment. Accordingly, this process contributes to the acquisition, formation and development of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities of managerial behavior and activity in a military-professional environment. Accordingly, the military-professional culture can be defined as the basis of the military-professional development of every military leader. This can be achieved by influencing the practical (managerial) thinking of the military commander, his attitude to military management, communicating with colleagues and organizing his managerial activities. As an integrated socio-psychological quality, managerial culture is based on certain professionally important and personal qualities of sergeants, which ensure adjustment and variability of managerial activity, provided that sergeants optimally determine its purpose, content, organization, components, sequence and methods of implementing the managerial function.


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