



creative city, creative milieu, urban reality, culture and creativity, UNESCO, UNCTAD, OECD, creative class, framework, transition process, cultural-creative dimension of the urban environment


The article introduces the definition of the concept of a "creative city framework" and explores the origin of the concept of a "creative city". It examines its essence, development prospects, and components of the concept, describing the main obstacles to establishing a sustainable model. Conclusions are drawn on the appropriateness and peculiarities of the formation and development of the "creative city framework" based on the analysis of examples of its functioning. The study considers the impact of the "creative city framework" on public policy at the city level. The author identifies the influence and essence of each of the six trends on the development of the "creative city framework," seen as the foundation for comparing and rebuilding cities during the post-war reconstruction period in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on how understanding the creative city as a framework influences the formation, development, and interaction of city development policies and policies related to the development of culture and other components of the creative economy. The article proposes an approach to viewing the "creative city framework" as an element of public policy. The author presents a model of the "creative city framework" during the "transition period," based on the expansion of the existing concept, considering the main development trends. The improved scheme of the "creative city framework" during the "transition period" can be considered as a basis for further development of a complex methodology and technological support for the development of creative industries at regional and local levels. The conclusion is drawn that the "creative city framework" is a useful methodological tool that can be refined and further developed in future research by expanding or narrowing the number or content of the institutions it encompasses, responding to current challenges or the needs of the territory.


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