



military personnel participating in combat operations, value-sense sphere, post-traumatic growth, posttraumatic stress disorder


The article substantiates the relevance and feasibility of conducting psychological research in the field of military psychology. After all, the peculiarities of service have a significant impact on the physical and spiritual properties of military personnel, test their ability to actively counteract extreme, extremely life-threatening factors, and maintain their will and determination. In addition, the long, intense experience of participating in combat operations causes a change in the internal picture of the world of servicemen, their life meanings, transforms the already formed system of values, and actualizes a set of specific needs. Servicemen try to correlate their values with the new environment, find the meaning of performing a new type of military activity and, most importantly, find the meaning of their own existence. In turn, returning to civilian life for military personnel who have participated in combat is more difficult when there is a misunderstanding with others and loved ones. The values and meanings acquired in combat often do not coincide with the worldview of society, which gives rise to crisis phenomena in the development of the value-sense sphere, and leads to a breakdown and further "bifurcation" of value-sense orientations. As a result of numerous crisis situations, the value-sense sphere of servicemen participating in combat operations undergoes significant changes, i.e., restructuring, which can have both constructive and destructive development. Constructive development of servicemen participating in combat operations leads to adaptability to extreme conditions of service and causes post-traumatic growth. At the same time, destructive development shapes the maladaptive nature of military personnel to combat conditions, causes psychophysiological disorders and the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. While in the case of post-traumatic growth, psychological support for military personnel participating in combat operations can be provided as supportive work for their further self-development and self-improvement, in the case of post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological assistance is more profound and requires a detailed study of psychological crisis events.


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