


management, leadership, leader, leadership qualities, public service


The article examines the theoretical principles of leadership. The identity of the concepts of "leadership" and "management" was analyzed, their features were characterized, common and distinctive features were identified. It was established that both management and leadership are necessary for the successful operation of the team. Leadership is needed in order to carry out the management process on a formal basis. Leadership acts as a driving force that unites employees and inspires them to new achievements. The views of researchers regarding the qualities that should be inherent in leaders are given. It was found that among the qualities that were most often mentioned as leadership, the following stand out: vigor; mind, intellectual abilities; knowledge of the matter; the need for achievement; leadership motivation, need for power; dominance, striving for a higher position over others; initiative; existence of a goal, determination of plans; responsibility; perseverance, tenacity; extroversion, sociability; ability to cooperate; the ability to empathize; adaptability, flexibility. An important feature of leadership is the ability to influence the behavior of other people. It is substantiated that the specified features are only a prerequisite for the emergence of leadership. To realize the leadership potential, a combination of natural inclinations with education and practical activities is necessary, as a result of which leadership skills are developed. It was found that leadership depends on the relationships that arise in the process of group activity and is largely determined by the individual characteristics of group members: their needs, their vision of the personality in which they are ready to recognize the leader and qualities that this personality should possess. It was emphasized that the development of leadership qualities should become one of the priority areas of personnel policy in the public service, since leadership is the key to ensuring modern effective public administration.


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