


public management, local government, territorial community, smart city, sustainable development, ISO standards


The article examines approaches to assessing the maturity of cities in the field of implementing the principles and components of the Smart City concept, the analysis of which allowed formulating a scale for evaluating the maturity of local self-government bodies of large cities of Ukraine in the field of implementing the Smart City concept in the post-war period. The focus is on the provisions of the ISO 37123 standard "Sustainable cities and communities - indicators of sustainable cities", which provides a set of sustainability indicators by which cities can measure their progress. It has been proven that the choice of this standard for evaluating the readiness of Ukrainian cities to implement the digital transition will ensure the most accurate determination of the level of readiness and ability of cities to implement the necessary changes in such areas as the city economy, education, energy, environment and climate change, finance, management, health care I, housing, population and social conditions, security, waste management, sports and culture, telecommunications, transport, urban agriculture and food security, urban planning, waste water management and drinking water supply. Based on the use of the provisions of the standard, a questionnaire was developed to assess the readiness of Ukrainian cities for the smart transition. It determines at what stage of development the city is in terms of the smartness of its infrastructure, urban environment and services (initial, quantitatively managed, established, qualitatively managed, in the process of optimization). A brief description of the maturity levels of cities in terms of achieving the state of their "smartness" is provided, and examples of the achievement of such levels by Ukrainian cities as of 2022 are given. As a result of the generalization, it was concluded that such an assessment of the state of cities in terms of their level of maturity and readiness to implement a smart transition is a necessary stage of this long process, because without a "diagnosis" further actions may become ineffective due to poorly set priorities. Conversely, a preliminary analysis allows you to identify weaknesses and imbalances.


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