


needs, consumers, diagnostics of needs, hierarchy of needs, psychological diagnostics


The article presents a comparative analysis of the two most commonly used methods aimed at studying the degree of satisfaction of individual needs – “Hierarchy of needs” in the modification of I.A. Akindinova and “Methods of rapid diagnosis of needs and motivational sphere of personality MQT – Maslow quick test” (A. Chapman). With the help of quantitative and qualitative processing of the obtained results, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods were identified and a choice was made in favor of one of them. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, a comparative analysis between similar scales. The results show that there are slight differences between the scales of methods. However, scales with similar names correlate with each other, which allows us to talk about the possibility of using the method at the discretion of the researcher. The article describes a pilot study that was conducted to determine the methodology that would best meet the goal of studying the needs of the individual. However, the wide range of proposed methods raises the problem of finding a valid and reliable research tool that is adequate to its purpose. Thus, in preparation for an empirical study, the experimenter should carefully read not only the description of the method and its interpretation, but also the research of scientists who aimed to verify the correctness of the proposed psychodiagnostic methods. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to consider the features of test methods for studying the sphere of personality needs, to empirically compare the diagnostic capabilities of the methods “Hierarchy of needs” in the modification of I.A. Akindinova and “Methods of rapid diagnosis of needs and motivational sphere of personality MQT – Maslow quick test” (A. Chapman). The main methods for performing the task are general scientific methods of synthesis, comparison, generalization; methods of quantitative processing, methods of mathematical statistics are used.


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