


play, phenomenon of play, play activities of child, play space, preschool child, organization of play space


The article considers the peculiarities of the phenomenon of play and play space of a preschool child. The researches of foreign and Ukrainian experts in the field of studying the theory and practice of play are analyzed. Philosophical, culturological, pedagogical and psychological approaches to the phenomenon of play are examined. It is stated that “play” is a multidimensional concept that includes activity and cognition, entertainment and creativity, imitation and communication, recreation and training. While playing a child reflects his/her attitude to the environment and receives information about himself / herself from other people or from the attributes of play activities. It was found that play is a means of activating mental processes of a child, diagnostics, correction and his/her adaptation to life. Play is regarded as an activity in which social relationships among people are created. It is proved that with the help of play a child shows personal activity and demonstrates his/her potential. An emphasis was also placed on the fact that play creates opportunities for non-violent and comprehensive development of child’s natural inclinations and prepares him / her for the life in society. The regularities of the influence of play space on child’s socio-cultural development, in particular on the formation and development of a number of personal components are determined. The features of child’s play space organization as an integral part of preschool education are clarified. The peculiarities of the influence of social environment on the development of child’s personality are revealed. It is defined that play space organization should be aimed not only and not so much at the acquisition of certain values by preschool children, but at the development of their own attitude and transformation of the values into their own interpersonal achievements. It is also proved that play and play space are important components of the system of social and personal development of preschool children. It is highlighted that quality play space organization contributes to the harmonious combination of mental, physical and spiritual development of a child. It is determined that the comprehensive mental development of a preschool child occurs under the condition of high-quality play space organization and effective use of play activities.


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