


professional and psychological competence, military management officer, motivational component, personal component, operational component, cognitive component, emotional-volitional component


The article analyzes the current trends in the structure of professional and psychological competence in the domestic scientific space. Particular attention is paid to professional and psychological competence because it is an integral professional and personal characteristic of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine. This competence combines both theoretical and practical readiness to perform professional activities, as well as the subjective characteristics of the specialist, which ensure the effectiveness of units’ management activities. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches to the study of the structure of professional and psychological competence of future professionals; analysis of the unit commander professional profile and the peculiarities of military activity, the article determines the structure and content of professional competence of the National Guard of Ukraine servicemen. The main components that are part of the structure of professional and psychological competence were identified. Such components include: motivational component – in which the most important feature is the motivation and attitude of serviceman to perform professional activities, the need and desire to constantly develop him- or herself and acquire new knowledge, as well as improve their professional level; the communicative component is the ability to establish and establish, as well as maintain relationships with other people; the cognitive component is the ability to think critically and independently regardless of the situation; operational component – is the ability to adapt to new operating conditions, even complex, as well as the possession of professional knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully perform professional tasks; emotional and volitional component is the ability of a serviceman to self-control, to self-suggestion in order to achieve the set goal, to overcome doubts, fears, to be responsible for personal and subordinates activities.


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