blended learning, medical psychology, medical students of oriental cultures, multimedia teaching aids, interactive teacher-student dialogue, skype video conferenceAbstract
The presented article reveals the content of the peculiarities of teaching “Medical Psychology” to foreign students, representatives of different oriental cultures, religions, lifestyles: Iran, Iraq, India, South Korea, Japan, Africa, Egypt. The peculiarities of the experience of mixed teaching of this discipline for future doctors of third-year students of the Institute of Biology and Medicine was that the educational process began traditionally before the introduction of lockdown in Ukraine just before the spread of Covid-19. After the official order of the administration of Taras Shevchenko National University, the educational process took place remotely until the end of the 2018–2019 academic year with the use of complex multimedia tools: Internet, e-mail of each participant in the educational process, active use of mobile communication (messenger, viber, telegram, Facebook, Instagram), Skype video conference. The author’s work should be considered the created study group on Facebook “Medical Psychology” Institute of Biology at Medicine Taras Shevchenko National University (2020) https:// www.facebook.com/groups/522233258413026/about with the inclusion of all teaching materials, student learning outcomes: texts of presentations, skype-video lectures, defenses of student presentations, results of studying the discipline “Medical Psychology”. For a more dynamic and understandable perception of the content of the article, seven drawings are included highlighting the academic development of the relevance of Facebook in educational, scientific activities and modern ways of disseminating information in one of the world’s most popular networks for a long period during 2007–2021. The key issue of this article is to disseminate the experience of teaching / learning “Medical Psychology” of a mixed form of learning and finding like-minded people. Thus, blended learning was conducted for 15 student groups, a total of 129 students. Anyone can view the recommended page on Facebook, express their impressions, note in the comments the best student presentations, video presentations, recommended pre-sources.
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