managerial culture, public administration, public administration, transformations, society, changes, managerial activityAbstract
The research is devoted to the analysis of managerial culture in which it is determined that it appears as a public administration phenomenon allows to assert its role and significance in the transformational changes that continue in Ukraine and also affect public administration. Today the problems of public administration remain quite relevant. Successfully formed proper management culture, as a strategic feature of public administration, its effective capabilities is a model that is directly related to the processes of gradual transition from public administration to public administration. The main tasks of such a transition, in our opinion, should be the following components: internal, personal awareness of public officials, public servants, managers of different levels of responsibility in management; awareness of the government, political elite, civil society of their national and civic identity; educational and socio-humanitarian activities in the problems of formation of a single political nation; development of preconditions for the implementation of trust in state authorities, civil society institutions, local self-government, political parties; effective and efficient fight against corruption; internal individual and collective readiness to change priorities in the structure of state and public affairs management. A proper place in this process should be occupied by the democratic management culture of managers of different levels and ranks and its practical use in management. Thus, management culture is presented as a self-sufficient phenomenon of public administration, management of organizations and teams, human resource management, etc., which will improve the structure and mechanisms of a complex system of state and social construction.
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