


adaptation, coping behavior, coping resource, defense mechanisms, overcoming, stress


The article discusses theoretical approaches to the study of the concepts of “coping behaviour” and “coping resource”. A theoretical analysis of research in the works of domestic and foreign scientists is carried out. The concepts of “coping behaviour” and “coping resource” are analyzed. Coping behavior is the behavior that a person uses to overcome a stressful situation. The concept combines emotional, cognitive, and behavioral strategies that are used to deal with difficult situations in everyday life. The study of coping behavior as an essential component of adaptive social behavior is relevant in connection with the ongoing social instability in our society, the existence of contradictory, including negative development trends (crime, violence, unemployment, military conflict, pandemic, etc.). Scientists have found that a person’s physical and mental well-being depends on their choice of behavioral strategies at the time of contact with a traumatic situation. It can be concluded that coping behavior is an individual way of interaction of a person with a difficult, crisis, stressful situation to reduce the impact of stress with its help, a person tries to overcome a stressful situation, using various components for this: personal, situational, resource. Currently, there are several approaches to the study of coping in psychology. Coping resources provide the manifestation of coping behavior as mature and adaptive, which is devoid of psychoemotional stress. In psychology, the concept of “resource” is used in various combinations: cognitive resource, intellectual resource, self-regulation resources, integration resources, resource States. The term “coping resources” means a set of values, reserves and opportunities of an individual that are used or potentially can be used by him in a particular activity. Researchers of different views on the study of the problem of resources are unanimous in one thing - resources include all mental processes that will allow you to solve complex life tasks (self-regulation, adaptation, overcoming, conflicts, etc.) more effectively.


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