predictive competence anticipatory competence, temporal perspective, focus on the future, probabilistic forecasting, personAbstract
This article provides a brief theoretical overview of the phenomenon of personality predictive competence and time perspective. It’s noted that interaction with time is a fundamental characteristic of human existence, both objective and subjective. Temporal perspective is a personal concept that arises from cognitive processes and divides a person's life experience into time frames of past, present and future, and also expresses a system of personal meanings that allows you to create a coherent coordinate for life. Prognostic competence can be defined as a property of personality, its stable characteristic, which fixes the level of development of anticipatory ability and represents a certain state of the system of internal human resources that ensure success in prognostic activity. In this case, this ability is the ability of the subject to act and make decisions with a certain temporal and spatial anticipation of expected, future events, so the vision of the situation appears as a certain control over future events. There were significant negative links between prognostic competence, its types and forms of temporal orientation (negative past, present hedonistic, present fatalistic). It is established that in the correlation-regression model two of the explanatory factors are negatively correlated with prognostic competence (orientation to the present fatalistic and present hedonistic), and one - positively (future orientation), with the greatest predictive force in the hierarchy of variables is perspective in the form of future orientation, which confirms the assumption that the time perspective may be one of the factors in the development of prognostic competence of the individual
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