


eudemonia, self-actualization, self-determination, choice of profession, professional self-determination, professional development


The article is devoted to the problem of professional self-determination of future psychologists. A theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the genesis and relationship of the categories of “self-determination” and “professional self-determination”. The kinship of the categories “professional development” and “professional self-determination”, which is based on the common personal characteristics of the processes – “own meaning” and awareness, is theoretically investigated and revealed. The article also highlights the results of an empirical study of the professional development of future psychologists while studying at university and individual psychological guidelines for their professional self-determination. Diagnosis of the type of professional development of studentspsychologists is carried out. The individual psychological guidelines of professional self-determination of future psychologists are studied in the following areas: motives for choosing a profession, professional values, functions and characteristics of a psychologist, expectations from future professional activity, evaluation of the result of current professional self-determination. It is established that the leading motives in choosing a profession by students of psychology are the desire to improve their own psychological knowledge, to help people, the desire to have a good income in the future. Among the available professional values, future psychologists elect out job satisfaction the most; professional and individual development. The most important characteristic of a psychologist is called professional competence; students see the main professional function in raising the level of consciousness of people, supporting and realizing their desire to understand themselves. 52% of respondents assess the state of their professional self-determination as successful; and 19.7% of respondents are ready to start independent professional activity. According to the results of the research, the prospects of career guidance work with future psychologists during professional training are determined.


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