


counteraction crime, trust, trust in the police, public organizations, public safety, Community Рolicing


The article defines the prerequisites for the formation of trust in the police and the participation of public organizations in counteraction crime. The concept of “trust” in the police is introduced; historical trends in the formation of trust and confidence in the police are considered; the factors that are considered to influence public confidence in the police are highlighted. The concept of participation of public organizations in counteraction crime (“public police”) is considered. The essence of the partnership is revealed through cooperation between law enforcement agencies, individuals and public organizations. It is emphasized that the solution of problems involves the process of participation in the systematic examination of identified problems, their analysis and further development of effective proposals for their elimination. The essence and key features of the Community Collecting model are revealed: 1) partnership of society; 2) organizational transformation; 3) problem solving. The content of the conceptual problem solving tool SARA (Scan, Analyze, Response and Assess) is clarified. A set of proposals and recommendations for improving the formation of trust in the police and the participation of public organizations in counteraction crime have been formulated and substantiated. Considering that the synergistic effect is associated, in particular, with the feasibility of the combined use of several mutually agreed strategies, rather than the isolated implementation of any one, the conditions and possible mechanism of synergy of policing in communities are determined. It seems necessary and expedient to use the community as a multiplier of force in matters of crime prevention. Tools to use to disseminate information: social networks, websites, email, text messages, mobile app, Google alerts and more.


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