



public administration, mechanisms of public administration, digitalization, digitalization technologies, digital economy, innovative activity, innovation, Diya City resident, institutional environment


It was found that fundamental changes in the provision of information and the latest technologies occur as a result of the fact that the content of information and socio-economic systems is changing significantly. It is argued that in this way an annihilating effect occurs. This happened at the stage of automation, informatization and digitization of the economy. It was determined that at the stage of automation, the business entity carries out algorithmic processing of resources, structured data, which it collects independently as a result of its production activities, or purchases data resources from suppliers. In the informatization phase, needs expand to streams of diverse information, structured, semi-structured and unstructured, requiring appropriate IT and management and use methods. The number of sources and formats used for data is increasing. With the transition to digitization, data sources increase many times over, and the amount of information resources to be processed increases dramatically. The state of functioning of public management mechanisms in the field of digitization and innovation in Ukraine has been studied. Digitization is a vector of policy development aimed at ensuring the digital transformation of one or another sphere of public life. Innovation is presented as a process of ensuring innovation-oriented development of society, the state and business entities. On this basis, it is pointed out the annihilating influence of the institutional environment and the innovative environment on the domestic territory, which involves stimulating the development of the digital economy and e-governance. It was established that in Ukraine in 2021, the relevant law was adopted, which promotes the emergence of Diya City residents. The legal regime of their functioning provides for a set of legal norms that determine the rights and obligations of a legal entity, according to which the status of a resident of Diya City is fixed for at least 25 years. It has been established that the legal regime of Diya City is being introduced with the aim of stimulating the development of the digital economy in Ukraine by creating favorable conditions for conducting innovative business, building digital infrastructure, attracting investments, as well as talented specialists. It was emphasized that the state provides guarantees to residents of Diya City (tax, investment, etc.), as well as gig specialists who work as part of such residents. It was revealed that in the period from 15.02.2022 to 26.07.2024, more than 1,300 residents of Diya City were registered in Ukraine, which proves the desire of the state and business entities to ensure sustainable innovative development, despite all the obstacles that the aggressor state poses to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.


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