pre-trial investigation, criminal proceedings, national security, search, investigator's investigative activityAbstract
The article systematizes the objects of search and search as a means of rationalizing the search and cognitive activity of subjects of pre-trial investigation during the investigation of criminal offenses under investigation by investigative units of security agencies. It is noted that when solving the question of what to look for, the investigator, first of all, proceeds from the need to identify the tools of a criminal offense, information carriers, money, valuables obtained by illegal means. However, the objects of search operations should be valuable derivative carriers of forensically significant information of a different nature (packaging, various records, various substances from which the instruments of a criminal offense were made or which are carriers of reverse identification communication. It is emphasized that knowing the characteristics of the wanted objects would allow the investigator to establish the way in which they are hidden, to limit the range of places where they should be searched. At the same time, the nature of forensically significant information usually cannot be accurately predicted in advance. Therefore, the search itself has a heuristic character to a greater extent. The conclusion was formulated that the rationalization of search and cognitive activity of subjects of pre-trial investigation during searches in criminal proceedings under investigation by investigative units of security agencies will be facilitated by: − practical workers' understanding of the mechanism of relevant criminal law prohibitions, as well as the expression of relevant objects of search actions in the concepts and categories of forensic science; − systematization of sources of relevant information about search objects, which, accordingly, include: a) inspection protocols of event sites, trace models; b) operational information; c) forensic records and collections; d) conclusions of forensic examinations examining the three-dimensional identification relationship, i.e. the ratio of traces and objects, the properties of which are mapped to the same group (class, genus, species); e) technical passports, warranty cards; e) testimony of witnesses, victims, other suspects, etc.; − formalization of relevant data in plans, analytical reports and other auxiliary documents of the investigator.
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