



transplantation, human anatomical materials, human organs and tissues, transplant, historical and legal development


The article highlights the history of the concept of "transplantation of human anatomical materials". The author investigates the definition of this concept from the first mentions of it to modern formulations in Ukrainian legislation, studies the content and ramifications of this concept, reveals chains of transformation of formulations, constituent parts of the concept, as well as derivative terms that appeared as a result of the use of the studied concept. The author defines the components of the studied concept: "organs", "tissues", "cells". Considers the definition of terms used to denote types of transplantation: "retransplantation", "autotransplantation", "isotransplantation", "allotransplantation", "xenotransplantation". The article uses the historical and legal method of research, which provides an opportunity to trace the path of development of transplantology in Ukraine through the chronology of the definition of its main concepts. With the rapid development of transplantology, concepts related to this field are constantly changing, being clarified, supplemented, expanded, branched out, generalized in a new way, lose relevance or form new derivatives, etc. Therefore, the author emphasizes that the regular study of the researched concept and its components using a historical-legal approach will contribute to the same understanding of the concepts during their further use in all areas, as well as systematize and supplement the history of transplantology as a science. The author also notes that the modern formulation of the concept of "transplantation of human anatomical materials" is quite comprehensive, because, in addition to the fact that this concept combines the definition of component terms (organs, tissues, cells, fetal materials), if necessary, it can also include future categories of anatomical materials that, with the further development of transplantology, will probably be discovered, isolated or developed by scientists.


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