polygraph, detection of hidden and false information, candidates in risky professions, polygrams, level of aggression, tendency to suicide, alcohol abuseAbstract
The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted on the basis of classic psychodiagnostic methods in the field of detecting hidden and false information of candidates in risky and dangerous professions. Basic concepts of risky and dangerous professions are given, the structure of psychological characteristics of the personality of risky and dangerous professions is built, the advantage of polygraph examinations as a separate direction in professional selection is highlighted and shown, data on certain advantages of polygraph methods are systematized, the choice of psychodiagnostic research methods is justified. It has been established that respondents who are former or current employees of law enforcement agencies often have an increased or high level of suspicion, unlike respondents who are appointed to positions in law enforcement agencies for the first time. Almost all respondents have a high or increased level of indirect aggression. It was found that the gender distribution of aggressiveness: the index of aggressiveness is higher in male respondents than in women, in addition, men often have an increased or high level of physical aggression. Correlational analysis showed that people who are prone to physical aggression may also be more prone to use drugs or alcohol. The use of these substances can increase aggressive behavior, creating a vicious circle where aggression and addiction mutually reinforce each other. A polygraph study shows that a significant number of respondents showed an increased level of aggression and a tendency to commit suicide. There are also cases of alcohol abuse, auto-aggression, depression and gambling addiction. According to the results of polygrams, the majority of respondents have an increased level of aggression (48%), which is the most common manifestation in the sample. Tendency to suicide was found in 20% of respondents, which is also a significant indicator. Alcohol abuse was found in 16% of respondents.
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