


enterprise, activity criteria, socio-psychological management methods, economic management methods, management psychology


The article provides a solution to the current scientific problem of substantiating the company's attractiveness from the point of view of economic and social-psychological approaches, which ensure the practical use of the obtained scientific results. The problem of attractiveness of the enterprise as an employer, as well as the determination of trends in HR-branding and components of image formation, are considered. The profile of the enterprise as an employer according to the criteria of attractiveness in the labor market is presented. Social and psychological methods of personnel management are defined. The article pays attention to social responsibility and working conditions at the enterprise, which will allow in turn to retain specialists. The problem of attractiveness of the company as an employer is analyzed. The dependence of the company's activity results on the employer's brand, the legal basis of the enterprise's functioning on the labor market, in particular the labor and civil legal personality of the employer, are determined. When forming the employer brand model, the relationship between the attractiveness of the enterprise on the labor market and the results of its activity is presented. To determine the profile of the company as an employer, an indicator was used that reflects the approximation of the actual characteristics of the enterprise according to the criteria of attractiveness to their maximum possible values. To ensure the company's attractiveness on the labor market, enterprises use economic and social-psychological management methods. The composition of the criteria by which the companies are evaluated has been determined. According to the rating of the best employers of Ukraine, the indicator of compliance of the actual characteristics of the enterprise with the maximum possible values according to the attractiveness criteria was calculated. Calculations of the company's attractiveness as an employer have shown that companies in personnel management implement both economic and socio-psychological methods, and the effectiveness of the implementation of these methods is increasing.


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