political correctness, professionalism, public servant, cultural and behavioral aspect, non-verbal communicationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the cultural and behavioral aspect of political correctness of public servants, which is an integral component of their professionalism. At the beginning of the article, the essence of professionalism was revealed and its importance in public service is emphasized. The relationship between professionalism and politically correct behavior is indicated. The politically correct behavior of a public servant is determined, and its three main principles is named (nclusiveness, equality and diversity). The main part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the cultural and behavioral aspect of political correctness of public officials. This aspect is revealed through the use of nonverbal communication (facial expressions, gestures, appearance, intonation, pauses, controlled or spontaneous movements, posture/position of the body, distance between interlocutors, organization of space for communication, body contact, gaze, etc.). Attention is focused on such a means of non-verbal communication as the appearance of a public servant, which plays not the least role in the formation of his politically correct behavior. Practice is proved that a restrained, neat and at the same time modern appearance inspires respect, trust, allows you to keep a social distance, gives authority and demonstrates a person's professionalism. Sexism as a manifestation of politically incorrect behavior on the part of public servants in relation to their colleagues, visitors or other citizens is written. The main forms of sexism in which it can manifest itself are revealed. It is emphasized, that today sexism is actively being fought in the field of public administration, which is significantly influenced by the war in Ukraine. At the end of the article, recommendations regarding the politically correct behavior of public servants at work and beyond are formulated. It is concluded, that the politically correct behavior of public servants, as a component of their professionalism, should be free of any gestures, movements, facial expressions, poses that can be interpreted or perceived ambiguously or in a certain way humiliate others, in particular, this also applies to their external appearance.
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