segregation, discrimination, gender, equality, legislative confirmation, restrictionsAbstract
The article substantiates the need for legislative confirmation of the definition of segregation and counteraction to this phenomenon. It is emphasized that discrimination is a generic concept of segregation, and the latter – a form of discrimination that has its own characteristics and types. The need to supplement the Law of Ukraine “On Principles of Preventing and Combating Discrimination in Ukraine” with articles on preventing and combating segregation is pointed out. It is suggested to understand segregation as a form of discrimination, which consists in an act aimed at separating individuals (social groups) who differ in racial, gender, sexual, social, religious, educational, professional or other characteristics without an objectively justified and legitimate justification for such demarcation. Emphasis is placed on the significant differentiation of manifestations of segregation in modern society and the prevalence of gender segregation in the workplace (occupational segregation), including in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the fact that segregation is not an overcoming phenomenon today, and its manifestations are quite diverse. Examples of segregation in modern society include attitudes toward Roma, internally displaced people (IDPs) from eastern Ukraine, and those who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The conclusion is made about the need for comprehensive counteraction to this phenomenon, which should begin with the legislative confirmation of the concept of segregation. It is noted that voluntary separation from others on the basis of one of these features is not segregation. Manifestations of such voluntary separation can be considered the activities of educational and cultural institutions and institutions intended for representatives of a particular culture, bearers of certain traditions or national minorities.
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