


digital transformation, local governance, subject relationships, e-democracy, modernization of management processes, digital technologies


The article examines contemporary challenges and prospects of digital transformation in local governance, emphasizing changes in traditional models of subject relationships between local authorities and citizens within the framework of e-democracy. The primary focus is on developing new models that enhance transparency, inclusivity, and accountability of government through the use of digital platforms. The theoretical foundations of digitalization are analyzed, proposing a shift from centralized approaches to more flexible models oriented toward active citizen participation in decision-making processes. The study provides an overview of key digital governance theories, including the concepts of e-governance and "smart cities." Several essential tools of e-democracy are highlighted, such as platforms for electronic petitions, online consultations, participatory budgeting, open data, and electronic voting, which allow citizens to directly influence political decisions and oversee government actions. The experience of countries that lead in implementing e-governance, such as Estonia and Switzerland, is examined separately as examples of successful digital integration. Specific recommendations for improving the efficiency of digital transformation in local governance are proposed. The following recommendations are presented: developing educational programs to enhance citizens' digital literacy, adapting legislation to support the safe and effective use of digital tools, and developing platforms for monitoring decision implementation and involving the public in overseeing budget expenditures. The following conclusions are drawn: digitalization of local governance is an important step in advancing democratic processes and strengthening social cohesion. The use of e-democracy tools creates conditions for more transparent, effective, and inclusive governance processes. Through the implementation of digital platforms, authorities are able to respond more quickly to citizen needs, while citizens can more actively participate in decision-making and monitor government actions. Thus, e-democracy becomes a necessary component of modern governance, helping citizens actively shape community life, increase decision-making efficiency, and maintain continuous feedback with the authorities.


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