


social adaptation, military personnel, reintegration, psychological rehabilitation, professional retraining, cultural factors, proactive approaches, adaptation tools, state programs


The article summarizes the problems of social adaptation of military personnel, which are an important aspect of ensuring the defense capability of the state and social stability, especially in the context of modern armed conflicts. It is determined that war creates unique conditions that require significant adaptation resources from the military, while society often lacks adequate support mechanisms. The lack of coordination between government agencies, volunteer organizations and professional institutions exacerbates these difficulties. It has been determined that a separate role in modern adaptation is played by “likefor- like” approaches, which are based on the involvement of veterans in supporting their fellow veterans. Such programs help to establish trust and overcome barriers that often cannot be overcome by traditional methods. The study found that the concept of "social adaptation" is interpreted differently in Ukrainian and international practice. Domestic approaches focus mainly on professional integration, while foreign models (readaptation, transition, reintegration) cover a wider range of social, economic and cultural aspects. It is also important to analyze the cultural factors that determine the effectiveness of the adaptation process. The study proves that effective social adaptation requires comprehensive tools, including psychological rehabilitation, vocational retraining, medical care, social and legal support, family support, and cultural and educational activities. One of the important steps towards effective social adaptation of military personnel is the creation of a single national center for coordinating social adaptation programs. Such a centre should unite the efforts of government agencies, civil society organizations and international partners for joint planning and implementation of activities. It is also important to create a unified database of soldiers in need of assistance. This will allow for effective planning, monitoring and coordination of service delivery. In order to overcome the psychological consequences of military service, it is proposed to expand the network of rehabilitation centers, especially in the regions that have suffered significant losses due to the war. The importance of proactive approaches, such as “like-for-like” programs, based on involving veterans in supporting their fellow veterans, is emphasized.


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