public administration, information space, information warfare, strategic communications Russian aggression, information and psychological influenceAbstract
At all stages of human development, information exchange and communication processes have not only fulfilled everyday utilitarian functions, but also played the role of means of influence. Even when the dissemination of information was realized through oral traditions, there were already attempts to control it. Cases when traveling artists, who could be called differently in different nations, were confidentially paid to create and include thematic works of art in their performance programs, or vice versa, when they were persecuted for voicing information that contradicted the information policy of the authorities in a particular territory, are well-known stories and not at all rare. With the development of technology, information has become a powerful tool of influence, and in recent decades, without exaggeration, a weapon. Technological development and the technical capability for total control should seem to greatly simplify the management of the information space by government agencies. But, as practice shows, even completely closed atomized societies ruled by anti-democratic totalitarian regimes still leave room for information to flow both in and out. When it comes to democratic states that provide their citizens with the right to exchange information, the issue of protecting the information space, information security of the state and the citizen becomes a very difficult task, which requires the complex work of perfect mechanisms of state governance. The task of attacking, especially in a sphere where new powerful technologies appear almost every day, is traditionally much easier than the task of defense. In addition, anti-democratic state regimes, terrorist and criminal organizations that live off robbery and murder in various forms can usually afford serious financial costs for information and psychological influence, and as a result, they become more technologically advanced than the state structures that oppose them. The purpose of the proposed study is to find ways to improve the efficiency of public administration mechanisms in the field of information space security by analyzing the problems associated with the dynamics of technological development. The task of the study is to analyze scientific papers, official reports and journalistic materials, and other sources that provide an opportunity to study the problems of functioning of public administration mechanisms in the field of information space security protection related to the dynamics of technological development in the context of repulsion of a large-scale Russian invasion by the Ukrainian Defense Forces. The scientific novelty of the study and its results lies in a comprehensive consideration of the problematic issues of modern public administration in the field of information space security protection in Ukraine related to the dynamics of technological development in the context of repulsion of a large-scale Russian invasion by the Ukrainian Defense Forces. Methodology. The following methods of scientific research were used in the course of the study: historical, comparative analysis, retrospective analysis, analysis and synthesis, deduction, induction, systemic and structural, linguistic, and formal logical. The conclusions suggest that: when formulating plans for the development and operation of state institutions in the strategic (long-term) and mediumterm perspective, take into account the potential capabilities of advanced technologies that are currently emerging or actively developing but are likely to play a much more significant role in the future; in the long- and medium-term planning of the development of state institutions related to the defense and information spheres, to direct efforts to prepare conditions and measures that will ensure a cognitive advantage in cognitive warfare with maximum compliance with democratic principles of public administration; in the short term, to build the work of units that manage the information space, information influence and countering information influence not only on the basis of the results of automated or other monitoring of the virtual information space, but also by at least selectively assessing the cognitive space through live communication with accessible audiences, for example, through journalistic work with them; to stimulate theoretical research and creation of special software at the national level that will allow to quickly draw conclusions based on informative indicators during the assessment of the virtual information space about changes in the cognitive dimension of the information space, to assess the impacts, their danger for different audiences, prospects and optimal scenarios for leveling (reducing the effectiveness of) destructive information influences; when formulating legislative requirements and direct job descriptions for specialists working with information influence and countering information influence, carefully analyze the practical experience of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The object of analysis should be both successful cases where the actions of Ukrainian speakers, media and other subjects of the information space allowed them to gain a cognitive advantage on a particular topic, and failed cases where the enemy gained an advantage. It is also necessary to take into account not only own developments, which should certainly be a priority given the availability of information and the availability of specialists who were directly involved in the relevant processes, but also the external assessment of representatives of partner countries who carefully analyze the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war and draw qualified, sober conclusions in a relatively calm atmosphere; take measures to stimulate critical thinking and the development of digital literacy with maximum differentiation by different target audiences, taking into account the specific vulnerabilities of these target audiences, as far as resources and capabilities allow. To begin with, it is suggested that the classification of target audiences whose resilience needs to be strengthened in this way be based on age, but this criterion should not be limited to the development of digital literacy programs.
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