digital sustainability, digital society, interdisciplinary approach, governance mechanismsAbstract
The article examines the current challenges faced by states in the digital era and defines the role of public administration in ensuring national sustainability in the context of rapid digital transformations. It is proved that digitalisation creates both new opportunities for development and potential threats, which necessitate the creation of flexible and effective mechanisms for protecting national interests. The author analyses the key aspects of the impact of public administration on the formation and maintenance of system resilience, and reveals that integration between different sectors (government agencies, academic institutions, business environment and the public) is an important factor in minimising digital risks. It is established that such partnerships contribute to the development of innovative solutions that ensure rapid adaptation to changes and increase the effectiveness of responding to digital challenges. The article substantiates the need to introduce an interdisciplinary approach as a basis for qualitative forecasting of future threats and development of management solutions that ensure sustainability. A model of combining risk monitoring and implementation of transparent digital security control mechanisms is proposed, which facilitates early detection of threats and saves resources at the stages of their elimination. The results of the study confirm that effective public administration is crucial for integrating aspects of digital resilience. A detailed analysis of the mechanisms of interaction between stakeholders that form a national strategic response to the risks associated with global digital transformation is carried out. The article focuses on the importance of creating systems for monitoring and controlling compliance with digital security standards. It is established that such systems improve coordination between government agencies and provide flexibility in responding to the current challenges of the digital environment. It is generalised that public administration in the context of digitalisation is an outstanding tool for maintaining system sustainability, minimising risks and implementing strategies for adapting to new technologies within the framework of national security and development.
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