


adolescence, emotional self-regulation, psychological problems, cognitive regulation, emotional experiences.


The article provides a solution to the psychological problem of emotional self-regulation of modern teenagers. The problem of emotional development of teenagers is highlighted. The issue of the harmonious unity of emotions and cognitive processes is relevant at this age. It is noted that the problem of diagnosis and development of the emotional sphere in adolescence acquires special importance. Adolescence is the main stage for entering adulthood, during which the most important changes in a person's life take place. Psychic neoplasms of the emotional sphere of the adolescent's face were identified, which include: increased emotional excitability; great stability of emotional experiences; the basis of friendship is the commonality of interests and moral feelings; "emotional complex"; emergence of emotional experiences and contradictory feelings. It has been proven that in the process of growing up, emotional disorders can appear, and as a result - mental disorders. That is why it is so important to lay a healthy emotional foundation at this age, to teach teenagers to take care of their own and other people's feelings. The problem of developing the adolescent's ability to self-regulate is presented as a process of maintaining favorable and transforming unfavorable emotional states, adequate for joint activities that are being developed. Attention is drawn to the fact that living with modern teenagers in intense emotional states hinders their personal development, the task of developing self-regulation is particularly relevant. The assumption that the development of self-regulation contributes to the adolescent's mastery of the ability to recognize and interpret emotional states was tested. It is claimed that the creation of operational images of an object by a teenager in a specific situation has an indirect effect on the transformation of emotional states. Despite the growing attention paid to adolescent emotional development, there remains a paucity of research specifically examining the relationship between self-regulation and cognitive emotion regulation in this age group. The current study aims to address this gap in the existing literature and improve our understanding of factors influencing adolescent emotional well-being. The main goal of this research is to study the relationship between self-regulation and cognitive regulation of emotions among adolescents, scientific and applied approaches have been developed that ensure the practical use of the obtained scientific results.


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