


protection of children, support, responsibility of parents, rights and obligations, police, legal representatives.


The analysis of the role of administrative sanctions in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine is an important aspect of studying the functioning of the state's law enforcement system. Administrative sanctions serve several key purposes, including preventing offenses, maintaining public order, and holding individuals accountable for violations of administrative law. They are an instrument of influence aimed at correcting behavior and upholding legality, allowing the National Police to effectively exercise its powers. A key feature of administrative sanctions is their ability to combine preventive and punitive functions. This ensures an effective response to offenses of varying levels and helps prevent their recurrence in the future. The National Police of Ukraine plays a leading role in the application of these measures, which are regulated by current administrative legislation. The Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses clearly defines the grounds, procedures, and limits within which the police have the authority to apply administrative sanctions, ensuring the legality and legitimacy of such actions. Administrative sanctions encompass a wide range of measures–from warnings and fines to the restriction of certain rights– which allows the police to adjust the severity of responsibility depending on the gravity of the offense. This approach contributes to a more precise and fair response to each case, ensuring an individualized approach to every situation. At the same time, a crucial condition for the effective functioning of the system of administrative sanctions is the proper legal training of police officers. This includes not only knowledge of the current legislation but also the skills necessary for its correct application in practical activities, which helps avoid abuses of power and violations of citizens' rights. Moreover, public oversight and transparency in police activities are important aspects, as they contribute to increasing the public's trust in law enforcement agencies. Establishing open dialogue with the public and respecting human rights are essential components in the implementation of administrative sanctions, allowing for a balance between the need to maintain public order and the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms. Administrative sanctions also play an important role in the context of crime prevention. The use of preventive measures, such as warnings and administrative penalties, helps to prevent future violations and fosters legal awareness among the population. This, in turn, reduces the level of criminal activity and strengthens public safety. In conclusion, administrative sanctions are an indispensable element in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine. They contribute to the effective maintenance of law and order, the prevention of offenses, and the upholding of legality within the state. At the same time, the successful implementation of administrative sanctions requires the constant improvement of legislation, the enhancement of police officers' qualifications, and the safeguarding of citizens' rights.


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