the concept of self-efficacy, subject self-efficacy, interpersonal self-efficacy, personal self-efficacy, irrational attitudes.Abstract
The article presents a study of the phenomenon of self-efficacy in higher education applicants. The study of this phenomenon was initiated within the framework of cognitive-behavioral direction by Albert Bandura. Its meaning is to feel the ability to cope with the task that the individual faces, to overcome difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. According to the author, one of the factors that can affect self-efficacy is emotional experiences. Which, in turn, according to cognitive theory, are a consequence of a certain way of understanding reality. The process and result of understanding reality is significantly influenced by irrational attitudes, which usually take the form of duty towards oneself or others. This work is based on the assumption that a certain part of the variance of self-efficacy indicators may depend on such factors as certain types of irrational attitudes or a general indicator of irrationality of thinking. To test this hypothesis, we used such methods as the method of studying the self-efficacy of the individual (R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem in the adaptation of V. Romek) and the test for determining subject and interpersonal self-efficacy (J. R. R. Tolkien). Maddux, and M. Scheer, modified by L. Boyarintseva). The Albert Ellis test of irrational attitudes was used to determine the level of severity of irrational thinking in the subjects. Among the methods of mathematical statistics, descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and variance analysis were used. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion, the Shapiro- Wilk criterion, and several indirect methods were used to check the distribution of data for normality. As a result of the study, data were obtained that the variances of various types of self-efficacy (from 13% to 20%) are indeed determined by the influence of certain irrational attitudes. Namely, catastrophization, low tolerance for frustration, and a tendency to global self-esteem. The results of the analysis of variance indicate that factors that affect the level of feelings of interpersonal self-efficacy are the attitude of low frustration tolerance and the attitude to global self-esteem.
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