


corruption, law enforcement system, public administration, anti-corruption measures, civil society, international support.


The presented article examines the problem of corruption as the main obstacle to the development of the law enforcement system and public administration in Ukraine. The author of the article states that corruption permeates all levels of government, from the highest government positions to local administrations and law enforcement agencies, which undermines citizens' trust in state institutions, slows down economic development and reduces the quality of public services. The author emphasizes that the lack of proper accountability and widespread corrupt practices create a situation where criminals avoid punishment and citizens lose faith in justice. The author of the article also examines the consequences of corruption in public administration, which include inefficient use of public resources, delays in the provision of services, creation of obstacles for business and the deterrence of foreign investors. The article emphasizes that delays in issuing permits, licenses and other administrative services caused by bribery significantly slow down the country's economic development. The author proposes a comprehensive approach to the fight against corruption, which includes increasing the transparency and accountability of the authorities, strengthening anti-corruption bodies and active participation of civil society. In particular, it is emphasized the importance of the role of public organizations, which should play a key role in monitoring and exposing corrupt practices, organizing educational and informational campaigns that increase legal awareness of citizens. Journalistic investigations should also draw attention to cases of corruption and stimulate the authorities to take decisive action. The author pays special attention to the support of international partners who can provide financial, technical and advisory assistance in the implementation of anti-corruption programs. The introduction of financial sanctions, asset freezes and entry bans for individuals involved in corruption will put additional pressure on the government to implement anti-corruption reforms. In general, the author emphasizes that the fight against corruption requires a comprehensive and systematic approach, which includes the involvement of all interested parties. This will contribute to the development of democratic institutions, increase the quality of life of citizens and ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine.


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